New :
- 6 Sep 2017:
NONCODE has updated to NONCODEv5. NONCODE2016 website has been moved to http://www.bioinfo.org/NONCODE2016.
- 6 Apr 2017:
NONCODE has been maintained for several days.
- 23 Dec 2016:
New Species pig was added to NONCODE.
- 31 Aug 2015:
NONCODE were update to the fifth version. Web pages were completly new designed.
- 26 Aug 2015:
Disease relation were added to the annotation. Users can browse the relative mutation or literature.
- 15 Aug 2015:
Conservation information were added to description of lncRNA genes. One can get the counterparts of any human lncRNA gene in 11 other species.
- 31 Jul 2015 :
Literature data about lncRNA since 1 June 2015 were collect by NONCODE. Six new species were added.
- 25 June 2015:
To be consistent with the newest data of RefSeq, Ensembl, GENCODE and lncRNAdb, NONCODE updated data and changed the human assembly to hg38, mouse to mm10.
- 25 Dec 2014:
Add the mouse lncRNA gtf format file to download center.
- 15 Dec 2014:
Add MD5 value to every file of download center. a>
- 26 Nov 2014:
To ensure the rat data quality,6764 genes and 29421 transcripts have been deleted ,the other genes and transcripts have been verified.
- 18 Aug 2014:
Rat data has been added to the download page of NONCODEv4.
- 8 Jul 2014:
We found there were some inconsistance between transcripts sequences and bed files. We modified the transcripts sequences according to bed files.
- 24 May 2014:
Rat noncode data was added. There are altogether 60253 rat transcripts and 32319 genes in NONCODEv4.
- 28 Mar 2014:
To ensure the database quality,1966 genes and 2841 transcripts have been deleted ,150 genes have been modified and 20 genes have been added.