An integrated knowledge database dedicated to ncRNAs, especially lncRNAs.

NONCODE (current version v5.0) is an integrated knowledge database dedicated to non-coding RNAs (excluding tRNAs and rRNAs). Now, there are 17 species in NONCODE(human, mouse, cow, rat, chicken, fruitfly, zebrafish, celegans, yeast...).   More

Jump to section for this gene/transcript

  • Aliases

  • Location

  • Sequence

  • Expression

  • Orthologs

  • Function

  • Disease relation

  • RNA Structure

Using NONCODE databases


Choose species and type, then browse all the entries.

Search a gene/transcipt

Search an entry or a subset of the database.


Get the basic statistics of the NONCODE database.


Find regions of similarity between your sequences.


Provide disease related information of genes.


Find a transcript location in genome.

ID Conversion

Convert NONCODE ID and other databases ID.


Download any of the information in NONCODE.


Provide predicted functions of gene.


Provide conservation information of genes cross different species.

Realted databases

6 Sep 2017:
NONCODE has updated to NONCODEv5. NONCODE2016 website has been moved to
6 Apr 2017:
NONCODE has been maintained for several days.
23 Dec 2016:
New Species pig was added to NONCODE.
31 Aug 2015:
NONCODE were update to the NONCODE2016 version. Web pages were completly new designed.
26 Aug 2015:
Disease relation were added to the annotation. Users can browse the relative mutation or literature.
15 Aug 2015:
Conservation information were added to description of lncRNA genes.
31 Jul 2015:
Literature data about lncRNA since 1 June 2015 were collect by NONCODE. Six new species were added.



The ncFANs server provides two kinds of analysis strategies, function annotion and funtion enrichment of lncRNAs.
CNCI is to classify protein-coding or non-coding transcripts
lnc-GFP is to predict probable functions for lncRNAs at large scale by integrating gene expression data and protein interaction data
lncRNA Analysis pipeline
This pipeline provide a method to analyse lncRNA sequence data especially in Identification and function annotation of lincRNAs